Is the Lure of Shiny New Technology Killing Strategy?

Econsultancy recently published a detailed report on Marketing Budgets in 2016. According to its authors, the report is “a bellwether for the health of the marketing industry.” This 54-page document contains the word “strategy” a grand total of (wait for it) once.

It’s a sign of the times. Because, these days, strategy seems to be falling out of fashion. But why?

The modern, digital world offers marketers a constant stream of newness. New ideas, new tactics and, above all, shiny new technology. The rate of growth in the marketing technology space in recent years has been nothing short of astounding. According to there are currently more than 3,500 hundred technology companies targeting marketers. Five years earlier,

Modern Craft Partner John
John Ounpuu
Jun 16, 2016

Further Reading